Opening Hours

Tuesdays: 4pm - 11pm

Wednesdays & Thursdays : 4pm - 12am



Phone nUMBER: 020 7935 3303

Please be aware Our phones lines for enquiries & reservations are available from Mon-Sat: 9 am - 5 pm

Any calls after 5 pm may not be answered, we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. We encourage you to email us with any enquiries out with these hours and we will get back to you asap.

WHAT’S APP: 07391126487

available for reservations and general enquiries.

We’re also active on social media so drop us a message there!


as YOU CAN SEE, WE’RE IN a prime location in Central London! Meaning we’re in the perfect spot if you want to drop after you shop. Find us across the street from Selfridges if you fancy relaxing with a cocktail or two to some smooth vinyl music of your choice.